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Massive changes in various aspects of life create dynamics and changes that are much faster and more diverse than what has been faced so far. The acceleration of the wave of change ultimately makes all parties in the business world, government, and society face the phenomenon of uncertainty or volatility. Moreover, volatility in the economic and business cycle is becoming more frequent than a few years ago which could only occur in two to ten years.

In 2010 to 2012, the growth of Indonesia’s Gross Fixed Capital Formation, exports, and domestic consumption were able to sustain economic growth of more than 6 percent. However, the termination of QE caused the current account deficit to increase from 2.2 percent in 2012 to 4.4 percent of total GDP in mid-2013. This situation was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, so economic uncertainty increased sharply. Moreover, there were many layoffs by many companies, causing unemployment to rise and impacting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Anticipatory steps continue to be taken as mitigation for the impact of a number of SDGs sustainable development targets due to the Covid-19 pandemic, one of which is through Adaptive Management, which is a structured iterative process so that it can make the right decisions in the face of uncertainty in the economic and business world. The main goal of Adaptive Management is to reduce uncertainty over time through a monitoring system. In this way, decision-making simultaneously fulfills resource management objectives as well as the information needed to improve management in the future.

1st Annual International Conference held by Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura carries a themes  “Adaptive Management for Economy and Business Sustainability” this activity aims to improve the creative economy so that it is able to adapt and be sustainable in facing global challenges. In addition, this activity aims to provide insight into the importance of a creative economy based on local potential to increase national economic growth.

Meanwhile, the benefits to be achieved through this activity are;

  1. With this activity, it is hoped that it will open up insight for lecturers and students to be creative in writing/reproducing scientific works.
  2. Allows participants to increase the integration of knowledge/multidisciplinary.
  3. With this activity, it is expected to open/develop the insights of thinking and knowledge of scientists and practitioners.
  4. As a vehicle for establishing interaction between fellow knowledge hunters and the people of all regions of Indonesia in general.
  5. Encouraging the writing of scientific papers in management in all aspects of human life.

Activity Target

  1. Academics (lecturers and students)
  2. Researcher or observer in the field of management
  3. Government or private institutions/agencies
  4. All elements of society

Date and Place

  • Days: Wednesday-Thursday
  • Date : 22-23 November 2023
  • Place: This activity is conducted in a hybrid way at R.P. Mohammad Noer Meeting Hall – Universitas Trunojoyo Madura and Zoom Meeting

Brochure/Flyer can be download here

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